one specialty about this music is it has a story! and the story is..
It was the worst of times, and God was deeply concerned. As He sat in high heaven, all He could hear were the sounds of conflict and violence erupting everywhere on Earth below. In fact, the awful music of discord could be heard spreading, infecting surrounding worlds and all creatures of the universe. It was time, decided God, to let flow His infinite pity and save Earth from impending doom.
But wait! What was it that had caused this crisis? Why had humans forsaken unity and love? What could have possibly led them to embrace conflict and hatred, and set them upon a path of self destruction? It was all Indra's doing. Arrogant Indra had always considered himself far superior to humans. Was he not the ruler of Paradise? And should not Paradise, that heavenly abode, the one and only place where eternal bliss was attainable, forever remain the ultimate goal of humans? Why then were they trying to turn Earth into a heaven for themselves?
Before Indra's machinations, there had been a time, the best of times, when humans had done it–by their good deeds and piety, they had transformed Earth into a safe and heavenly place. Oh! What a time it had been, when human love and ideals had burst forth in the form of joyous music, rooting out the seeds of conflict and violence. As that music spread and calmed the surrounding worlds and the universe, even heavenly beings had begun to regard Earth as a sacred place. All heavenly beings except one, Indra!
Threatened by the growing prestige of humans, Indra decided to act. But he had to be careful not to incur the wrath of God. And so he hatched a plot, a musical plot! On a certain night, when humans were fast asleep, he began to play a magical tune that began to invade the deep recesses of the human mind. For twenty nights, Indra played his music until he was satisfied that he had turned human faith into fear, love into arrogance, contentment into greed, and friends into enemies. Ultimately, when humans began to forget God, Indra knew that he had succeeded in destroying human prestige. Their music too had changed. Gone were those joyous melodies. Instead, sounds of death, fear, anger, and violence erupted everywhere. It was that awful music of discord that God heard now. It warned Him that Doomsday was imminent. It was time for divine intervention, time to remove Indra's curse.
As God began to ponder a solution, He realized that removing the musical curse of Indra would require a new and powerful music, one that could uproot the hatred and ignorance sown deep into the human mind. However, that solution itself posed another hurdle: Indra had found it easy to influence humans because he had caught them in a state of deep and untroubled sleep!
But now, fear anger and violence had deprived humans of sleep. Where could He find music that could calm and transform those troubled human minds? And so God, in His infinite wisdom, decided that He would become music incarnate. And thus was born a new and wondrous music that began to penetrate and shake every atom and soul it touched. Man and nature began to respond to God's music which was heard day and night without pause. It spread throughout the universe and reached the ears of that other music maker - Indra!
As Indra listened to the ethereal sounds, he realized that no one could actually create such music. On the contrary, the music seemed to hold within it the power to create life and the universe! It was unstoppable because it was the core music that resonates in every atom and every living thing. It could only end if and when God chose to destroy His creation in its entirety. The music was God Himself. This realization brought a deep sense of remorse and Indra repented for what he had done.
And so the divine music flowed unabated for several years until, one day, humans awoke from their sleep and heard it as if for the first time. Where did the music come from, they wondered. Ah! It was from the shaking of trees and their leaves! Or was it from the movement of the wind? No, it arose from the ocean. No, no, it was radiating from the sun. Or again, it could be from the singing birds. Exhausted from their search for the music source, humans were forced to rest. And while at rest, the great truth came to them. The music was actually arising from within them! They, the humans were the music source! In truth, the music was not new at all. It was the same music that they had once possessed and lost due to Indra's curse.
Once again, Earth's music was regaining its beneficial powers. It removed ignorance and made humans repent their wrongdoings. It taught forgiveness and brought solace. Men began to throw away their weapons into the sea and offered prayers to those who had died in conflict. God had let flow His infinite grace in the form of music that would sustain Earth's blissful state forever. The Earth would no longer need great human saviours, or God's reincarnations, or messengers. Once again, the music began to pervade other worlds and was heard all the way up to heaven. God heard it and smiled.
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